Mrs S Thompson SENCO
Mr I Rowland Deputy SENCO
Tel: 01935 424454
Some students will experience difficulties with learning during their school career. A small number of these students will have an Education, Health and Care Plan issued by the Local Authority, SEND team.
Buckler’s Mead Academy aims to provide access to the whole curriculum for all students, with specialist staff wherever possible. Our main goal, therefore, is a whole school approach to Individual Needs with all staff taking responsibility for the progress of the students in their charge.Objectives
GuidelinesThe Learning Support Department will encourage the development of differentiated materials, for either end of the academic spectrum. Students with Individual Needs will be identified to all staff. An up-to-date register of these students will be kept within the school, in line with the SEND Code of Practice.
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator will liaise with other members of staff to develop individual programmes and provide regular access and feedback for parents. The Learning Support Department will provide a base and resources for students who require intensive support.
The Learning Support Department and Buckler’s Mead Academy will carry out their responsibilities and duties with regard to the Code of Practice.
Buckler’s Mead Academy seeks to maximise the achievements for all students. The Learning Support Department wish to develop a system of provision based on individual staff expertise, where possible augmented by classroom support.
PhilosophyThe Learning Support Department at Buckler’s Mead Academy is committed to providing full access to the curriculum for all students wherever possible. Facilities exist to assist students who may need extra support on a temporary or long-term basis to achieve this goal.
At Buckler’s Mead Academy there will be same students whose needs will require assistance to achieve their potential.
Learning Support staff at Buckler’s Mead Academy aim to meet the needs of these students with both in-class support and in small targeted groups.
Within a large school population there is no clear demarcation in the continuum of Special Educational Need. Students at different points within their education may move between different need and severity. Therefore we promote the view that all staff and all departments have responsibility to their students irrespective of their abilities and is a key component to the Learning Support Departments work. The raising of awareness and the development of differentiated materials and teaching approaches will be of benefit to all students whether requiring support or not.
The Department welcome contact with parents whenever possible and contact of a formal or informal nature is encouraged. This liaison is beneficial to parents, teachers and pupils and helps to monitor the success or otherwise of the strategies currently in use.
The Trust's SEND Policy for Buckler's Mead Academy can be found with the following LInk : Trust Policies
The School's Latest SEND Information Report can be found below.