Personal Development Curriculum


Inline with our school vision, to provide an inspiring education for all, our personal development programme aims to develop the character of our students so that they have a holistic set of values that prepare them for life in the modern world in a diverse and ever changing community and workplace. 

Through our personal development programme, student develop their moral compass,  learn to build safe and positive relationships with themselves and others and develop their social skills so that they have an understanding of their potential place in the world around them.  They build a firm set of personal beliefs that will enable them to engage in the community they live in  and an understanding of the communities of others. The fundamental British values of respect, tolerance, the rule of law and liberty are promoted at all times. 



  • All students receive a timetabled Personal Development lesson within the fortnightly cycle. This is supplemented by our Beliefs & Values (R.S) curriculum alongside tutor time, assemblies and drop down days. 


  • Our Personal Development curriculum map is refined in line with national and local priorities, and statutory requirements.


  • Tutor time and the Personal Development  programme thoughtfully matches knowledge sequenced in assemblies and whole school messages.


  • Our Read to Succeed tutor time programme  ensures equity of exposure to challenging literature, insisting on all students reading aloud and sharing experience.


  • The Personal Development curriculum is also supplemented by our  pastoral provision, enrichment opportunities and the wider curriculum.


  • For more information on our Personal Development provision and curriculum please follow the click link

For further information on our Learning Journey please click link

Assembly Programme

Assemblies enrich  our curriculum provision with a comprehensive and inspirational assembly programme to support our students’ personal development and raise their awareness and appreciation of key issues, faiths, events and practices.

Assemblies occur in tutor time in year groups, to support age appropriate guidance and content. Assemblies can be extended to create time to allow guest speakers and deliver external programmes for example, Road Safety, E-safety, etc.

Assemblies are also used to provide an opportunity to keep students informed aboutimportant current events of national and international significance. Examples of these include; the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza; The death of the Queen and the King’s Coronation; Remembrance Day and religious festivals such as Ramadan. 

To access our assembly programme, please click link


Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

Since 1999, it has been compulsory in state-funded secondary schools to deliver the relationship and sex education (RSE) aspect of PSHE.

We live in a drastically different world to that of 22 years ago and the new RSHE Department of Education Guidelines addresses and incorporates the world our young people are forming relationships in.  This is an important step in providing adequate RSHE for young people in the 21st Century.

The RSHE curriculum at Buckler’s Mead is in line with government guidelines, is universally accessible and delivered to students in an age and developmentally appropriate way. Our RSHE curriculum is delivered predominantly through our Personal Development timetabled lesson for all year groups. It is also supplemented by our Beliefs and Values curriculum, wider curriculum subjects, our assembly and reading programme as well as drop down days and whole year group activities. 

It is taught sensitively and inclusively, with respect and acknowledgment of the backgrounds and beliefs of our students and parents.  The curriculum provides our students with a sound knowledge of the law; particularly around key issues such as consent and the sharing of indecent images.  The lessons have been designed with diversity and inclusion at the centre ensuring that all lessons incorporate and reflect the nine protected characteristics in line with the Equality Act 2010.

For further Information on RSHE and its delivery at Buckler's Mead, please click link



Changes to RSHE Secondary Education from September 2020

Parents will not be able to withdraw their child from any aspect of relationships education or health education.

Parents will be able to withdraw their child from any or all aspects of sex education, other than those which are part of the science curriculum, up to and until three terms before the age of 16. However, this can only happen after discussion with the school. Please contact Mr Lawrence, the Headteacher if you wish to discuss this further. 


After that point, the guidance states that “if the child wishes to receive sex education rather than be withdrawn, the school should make arrangements to provide the child with sex education during one of those terms”.

Where students are withdrawn from sex education, schools will document the process and will “ensure that the student receives appropriate, purposeful education during the period of withdrawal”.

We of course encourage all students to access all parts of the Personal Development curriculum. We see this curriculum as one which gives young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills they need to live safe, healthy, productive lives and realise their full potential.

For an overview of what is delivered in RSE please click link


Character Development



Our vision and values sit at the heart of our curriculum, ensuring that students get the best education and opportunities. Students are taught explicitly and  implicitly about the  behaviours required to be successful students, fully integrated members of our community and well rounded young individuals. 


Our character traits and the ‘show me your best’ framework are taught to the students through- 


  • Assembly programme 

  • Tutor time activities

  • Rewards and celebration

  • Participation and Enrichment Programme 

 We believe that character education is best taught through whole school expectations, ethos and culture, alongside planned curricular opportunities, that all students will experience universally.  The school promotes character traits that link to its vision and values.

In order to promote positive behaviour and teach these explicitly, students are taught to ‘Show me your best’.  We believe that all students should be the best version of themselves. Staff are encouraged to use positive language to remind students of appropriate learning behaviours. These are  rewarded and recognised by staff as part of our rewards and praise procedures. Assembly and form time sessions are  also dedicated to teaching these behaviours. 


Participation and Enrichment

Wider opportunities are planned as part of the school’s universal offer, so all students experience character building and teaching within the taught curriculum. We go above and beyond for disadvantaged students and their families, shaping futures and potentially changing lives. Students know that they have a voice in the school and contribute effectively.


Creative & Arts 

Peripatetic Lessons 

School Production 

Termly music concerts 

Assembly Performances

Music Practise Lunch and Break

Music Club  

Theatre Workshops 

Creative writing club

Visiting authors 

Art Club  

Art & Photography Exhibitions 

Theatre Trips 

National Gallery visits and trips 


Aircraft Challenge Stem Day 

Flight Club 

Coding Workshop 

THALES Events 


Swimming for beginners 

Exeter Chiefs coaching 

Visiting coaches and workshops

Dance workshops 

Sports Clubs and Competitions 

Wider Enrichment 

Lego Club 

Study Centre 

‘Fix Up’ Motivational workshops Years 10-11 

MADE Revision workshops Years 9-11

European Languages week and events 

Public Speaking and Debate competitions 

Maths Challenge Competitions 

Duke of Edinburgh 

KS3 Residentials 

Trips and Visits to locations of local and national significance 

Battlefields Trips 

Reward/Celebration trips and activities e.g. Thorpe Park, Crealey 


Sport Leadership 

Prefect Team

Student voice and Ambassador roles

Roles in recruitment (student panels & tours) 

House Captains  


Year 10 Work Experience 

Year 8 College Taster Days 

Career’s Fair 

Assemblies and talks from Post 16 Providers 

Bath University Visit 

Work experience 

Mock Interviews with employers 

Young Enterprise 

Further Information

Careers information, advice and guidance- click link 

British Values- click link 


  • Our students will have high aspirations, and good subject knowledge that will allow them to make appropriate, and safe decisions in their personal lives. 
  • By the time they leave our academy, personal, social and health education (PSHE) enables our learners to become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society. It helps them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up
  • Our students, regardless of starting point, will have a broad understanding of a range of issues that affect them, and positive personal characteristics that allow them to be productive and successful young members of modern society. Our curriculum allows pupils to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.
  • Students will  develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
  • All children understand the importance of PSHE, RS, SMSC and British Values and the effects it can have on life in and out of school.