School uniform

Please follow the link below for guidance on our uniform and dress code

PE Uniform

Please follow the link below for guidance on our PE uniform / kit


Students are expected to have the following the following equipment which is checked each and every morning as part of morning registration and the STARS process every lesson

  • Sensible School Bag or backpack. Students must not  bring satchels/large handbags where they are unable to carry books and equipment. 

  • Planner 

  • Timetable 

  • Black/blue pens

  • Mini whiteboard and pen

  • Pencil

  • Ruler

  • Sharpener

  • Rubber

  • Calculator

  • Full PE kit (on timetabled days only) 


Tutors carry out daily equipment checks as part of ‘standing starts’ to ensure students have the correct equipment for learning. 

Tutors have additional equipment to supply students with key equipment as part of their work to remove barriers to learning.  Tutors are asked to contact parents if there is a concern about equipment or organisation. 

If a student does not have appropriate equipment for a lesson, the teacher will take steps to loan equipment where appropriate but will ensure a negative behaviour point is assigned and this is sanctioned as appropriate.

The academy provides all students with the following equipment at the beginning of each year or admission- mini whiteboard, whiteboard pen and planner. Students will be expected to replace any items that are lost or damaged. This is available on our parentpay system and run by the student hub team.