Dear Students and Parents/Guardians
In September of year 10 your child, along with all students in the present Year 9, will begin two year courses leading to Level 1 and 2 qualifications (GCSEs, BTECs, NCFE and CNAT).
The contents of this webpage are intended to provide you with information about the curriculum on offer.
In Years 10-11 students will have an opportunity to choose some of the subjects they would like to study alongside the core subjects as part of the National Curriculum. The website will help you and child with this process providing-
Online guides to each subject including Video Presentations from subject teachers about the courses on offer and written guidance and information about each subject.
Information on the different specialised curriculum routes students will have been recommended to follow.
I urge you to read through all the information you receive with your child carefully to help inform your choices. Please do not hesitate to contact if you require advice on any aspect of your child’s subject choices which may be causing you concern via our main reception.
Yours faithfully
Mr Lawrence – Headteacher
Curriculum Choices Guidance Booklet
We are excited to present to you our Curriculum Choices offer for this year. Please follow the link below to our Curriculum Choices guide:-
Careers Websites
You can find information on job areas and specific careers using the ‘Careers Tools’ and the ‘Job Profiles’ on the National Careers Service website. Go to
To view film and video clips relating to many career areas. Go to or
Whether you’ve got a career in mind or you haven’t got a clue, Plotr can help you discover your future and guide you to careers you'll love. Go to
The Government have also recently introduced T-Levels. This is a qualifications for 16 to 19 year olds, lasting two years and worth the equivalent of 3 A Levels.
An apprenticeship is where you are learning through hands on experience of a job and gaining a nationally recognised qualification. To find out more information and to view vacancies, register online at
You will be achieving strong grades in nearly all of your subjects. You have the ability to go to university or an equivalent qualification and need a range of academic GCSEs to support you to prepare for these. This pathway will provide you with the opportunity to study a broad range of academic subjects alongside other subjects of your choosing. You will have the opportunity to select at least one creative, practical or alternative accredited subject too if you wish to do so. This route will give you the opportunity to achieve a range of qualifications that constitute as the English Baccalaureate.
The diagram below is indicative of what the Ebacc route is likely to be like. Please be advised that this is not final and may be subject to revision.
EBACC Specialised Route
Compulsory Subjects
English Language
English Literature
Combined Science
Core PE
Personal Development
Beliefs & Values
Select ONE Language and ONE Humanities
Select TWO first choices
Art & Design*
Art Textiles*
Drama- Performing Arts
Physical Education-
Health & Fitness
Creative iMedia
Computer Science
Hospitality & Catering
Child Development & Care
Business & Enterprise
Design & Technology
*Students can only select one of these subjects (Art/Photography/Textiles)
You will feel that you have made good progress in most of your subjects, but may feel less confident in Modern Foreign Languages. You may feel more confident studying a Humanities (Geography and History) along with a blend of other GCSEs and alternative accredited qualifications. This route will allow you to study some of the subjects (but not all) that constitute the English Baccalaureate.
The diagram below is indicative of what the Humanities route is likely to be like. Please be advised that this is not final and may be subject to revision.
Humanities Route
Select ONE Humanities
Select THREE subjects
Physical Education- Health & Fitness
Design & Technology: Product Design
This is a route for students who the academy feel would benefit from alternative courses and qualifications. Students invited to this pathway will participate in a Foundation Learning programme led by the SENCo alongside other subjects. We will work with you to make sure that you choose the right blend of subjects and types of courses.